Simple Burial: $3,595
Includes everything except the cemetery property itself.
Transfer from a Winnipeg hospital is included*
Transfers from non-hospital facilities without temperature controlled holding areas adds $195 to our cost. (nursing homes and deaths at home)
Planning session in our modern planning centre downtown (ample parking) (included)
We handle all of the arrangements with the hospital (included)
You will work with one of our staff exclusively; you will not encounter any salespeople. (included)
Registration of death with the Province of Manitoba (included)
Basic burial casket (wood construction, shown here) (included)
Transport to the cemetery of choice in the Winnipeg area.
Vehicles required for transport. (included)
Up to 10 Proof of Death Certificates for estate purposes. (included)
A provincial death certificate is provided anytime the deceased owns property (land title) jointly with another person. This is the only time this particular certificate is needed. (included)
Professionally prepared and completed CPP Death Benefit and Survivor's Benefit Applications at no extra charge.
We provide a detailed conversation about the status of the estate, when probate is needed and when it is not, how to handle taxes, RRIF's, TFSA's, bank accounts and the like. Guidance provided for those who do or do not have a will. There is no charge for this service and we are usually able to reduce legal costs to $0.00. (at no extra charge)
Obituary notice of any length along with a photo-tribute (up to 30 photos) is included at no extra charge (on our website) - Please view a sample by Clicking HERE.
Free Press Obituary Placement - we handle editing, formatting and placement. This often reduces costs considerably. The Free Press charges based on the length, and we do not markup the Free Press' standard publication fees.
All of the above services and products are included in the package price for a total of $3595.

INCLUDED: Clarion Walnut
Wood Construction (Walnut)
Rosetan Crepe Interior

Norway Poplar - adds $150
Mahogany Stain Finish
Solid Wood Construction (Poplar)
Rosetan Crepe Interior